Project outline

User interface

When I’m toying with the idea for a new project, I start by picturing what it could look like from the perspective of the users: what the interface will be. For web applications, this means deciding what actions will I make available to them, what menus and buttons, and what information I need to display on a given view. Then I make some sketches to figure out how to fit all that into a web page layout1. For command-line applications it gets much easier: I just need to come up with the right list of subcommands, some of the flags, and a couple of usage examples.

As soon as I decided to work on a static site generator, I narrowed the commands I needed to support down to four: init, build, serve, and new. Below are some transcripts of my notebook, showing how I first imagined these commands would work (at this point I was calling the program golb):

$ golb init
$ golb init +now -rss -tags
$ golb init +now +rss +tags

$ golb init empty
$ golb init index
$ golb init blog

init would be in charge of creating a new project with default files. I wanted this command to optionally “scaffold” a fully-featured website. The first way I pictured that was with an extensible flag system (+rss turns the RSS feed on, -tags disables the tag list page, etc.); I later considered using site profiles for that purpose (a standalone index, a full blog, etc.). But, eventually, I realized that both of those options would just confuse the user and over-complicate the implementation. So init was left without flags, always creating the same default site; if users wanted an empty project they could just omit the init command altogether.

$ golb serve [--drafts] [--future] [--no-reload]
$ golb build [--minify]

The serve command would run a local file server for previewing the site, while build would prepare the files for production. I wrote down some flags to help me picture what other features those commands could support (minifying the output, live reloading the browser upon file changes, etc.). I ended up implementing most of those features but opted for reasonable defaults over command-line flags to narrow the interface.

$ golb new
> title:
> tags:
$ golb new post
$ golb new note

The new command would be a helper to create blog posts with some of the boilerplate (e.g. the front matter) already filled in. I eventually renamed this subcommand to post and dropped most of its options.

Project plan

Based on that CLI outline, I gave some thought to each of the subcommands and flags I planned to implement, trying to imagine, at a high level, which operations they should consist of, what parts seemed easy or complicated to program, which ones I wasn’t yet sure how I could tackle, what work I expected to delegate to third-party libraries, and where I suspected the “unknown-unknowns” of the project could be lurking. This exercise yielded a preliminary list of tasks, that I added to my project board:

** Tasks

1. setup go and emacs
2. hello world
3. first stab at golb init
4. dummy golb build command
5. deploy to server
6. accept markdown as input
7. treat input files as templates
8. add some sort of layouts or template inheritance
9. parse input front matter
10. golb new to add a new blog post
11. tags
12. generate rss with build
13. --draft and --future support
14. some way of opting in and out of features on golb init
15. golb serve
16. post pagination
17. golb serve watch/autorefresh

** Nice to haves

1. minify output html and css
2. yaml data files
3. org-mode support
4. permalink override
5. add features after first initialization
6. optional per-tag rss feed

Some things to note from this list:

Some code

One nice quality of command-line programs is that the user interface tends to easily translate into the top layer of the program, each subcommand offering a good starting point for the coding. Looking at the main.go file from an early commit shows much of the initial project plan already stubbed in the code:

package main

import (

func main() {
	if len(os.Args) < 2 {

	switch os.Args[1] {

	case "init":
		// get working directory
		// default to .
		// if not exist, create directory
		// copy over default files
		fmt.Println("not implemented yet")
	case "build":
		// delete target if exist
		// create target dir
		// walk through files in src dir
		// copy them over to target
		// (later render templates and org)
		// (later minify)
		fmt.Println("not implemented yet")
	case "new":
		// prompt for title
		// slugify
		// fail if file already exist
		// create a new .org file with the slug
		// add front matter and org options
		fmt.Println("not implemented yet")
	case "serve":
		// build
		// serve target with file server
		// (later watch and live reload)
		fmt.Println("not implemented yet")

func printAndExit() {
	// TODO print usage
	fmt.Println("expected a subcommand")



And then hitting a bunch of walls trying to make that happen with CSS.